Thursday, November 6, 2008

Scheduling revisions thru Thanksgiving

Hey all,

Please remember that class begins at 9:00. Really.

Also, for those of you who missed class yesterday, we've made a couple of revisions to the schedule that should help:

Monday, November 10
meet in Photo
We'll be covering tungsten studio lighting.

Wednesday, November 12
meet in Photo
Sequential Narrative due
Intro to Digital SLRs

Monday and Wednesday November 17 and 19
We'll be splitting the class in two parts.
1/2 the class will work on strobe lighting on Monday and 1/2 on Wednesday.
The half that's NOT doing strobe lighting will have an open lab.

This week we'll be shooting high school portraits. Come prepared. (note that I'm
using HS portraits as a catch all. You may choose a studio portrait of yourself at any age to reproduce. Have fun with it. Think about the backdrop, the lighting. What were you wearing? How was your hair? Makeup?

Monday, November 24
Meet in the Prieto
Demo with Blurb on-demand printing

Wednesday, November 26
Open Studio

Please contact me with questions.
Have a great weekend!

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