Monday, November 17, 2008

Debra Pinkus Lecture

I attended the Debra Pinkus lecture on campus (i don't know if this counts towards my artist lectures because she is an art historian, not necessarily an artist) last wednesday. I must say, I had a very hard time connecting with the subject material. Maybe it was because I haven't studied the subject of ancient Roman literature before, but I really couldn't understand what was going on, nor why it was so fascinating for everyone else. I must have been on a different wavelength. The lecture hall was completely packed and I was sitting in the aisle, along with 20 other people doing the same, and I was on time! Pinkus talked a lot about the uncial E and how it was used, how the letters changed over the years and how the effect us today. I wanted to hear more about how they influence our text culture today. I appreciated the visuals, and she was very well spoken, but the subject material was a bit dry.

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