So, way back in September, I attended an art talk that was held in the Photography classroom. The artist was Jillian Granger and she is currently an MFA student here at Mills.
I loved her work! It was surreal, and whimsical, and had such funny stories to all of them. I especially liked the piece above where it was all of her childhood stuffed animals arranged to look like a family portrait. I thought it was so clever. I was really inspired by how she could just take memories and dreams and create such beautiful pieces out of it. They really showed her personality, and I thought that was amazing. It makes me even want to try painting!
whoa jill, looking all professional on the interweb and whatnot. can i ride your coat tails one day, huh?
Ha! Cool! Happy to have inspired someone! check out what I'm doing now in my studio at http://www.myspace.com/jillianmaegranger or visit my other page at http://webspace.ringling.edu/~jgranger/index.html ....
Thanks so much!
Jillian Granger
Actually Jillian Granger will soon be joining Thought Coalition Headquarters (artist community) we attended our bachelor program together at Ringling College of Art and Design, she is a stand-up person and a great artist.
She has her own voice and style which she uses with dignity and respect.
Executive Producer
Thought Coalition Headquarters
Joseph M. Heninger
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